These is my Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 is a fictional journal of the author's actual ancestor who worked to survive in Arizona Territory. There are stories about Indians, cattle, family, heartache and love all told from Sarah's voice. She is an uneducated pioneer with a desire to learn and endure, which helps her through most of the situations in her life. My sister in-law introduced me to this book when I first moved to Arizona. I of course couldn't put it down, and for a few days I lived in an Arizona that was 100 years younger. It really is an incredible portrayal of the American West. There is also a sequel, Sarah's Quilt, if you are interested in more of her story. It was good, but I didn't like it as much as These is my Words.
I had never heard of this book, but now I have two other friends who are reading or have read this book and both LOVE it and say they cant put it down.
Hi, I'm a friend of
Emily's and couldn't resist commenting on this book. It's the one of the only books I've ever read that I wanted to begin again immediately after finishing the last page. The second (Sarah's Quilt) and third (Star Garden) in the series aren't as good but are still fun reads. Sarah Agnes Prine and her Captain Jack Elliot are characters you will NEVER forget.
Here is what my friend Natalie posted on her blog about this book.
I just had to share some quick thoughts about this book. My mom recommended it and sent it to me for Easter. It is one of the best books I've ever read, and I will definitely be re-reading it (but I'll give it a while so I can enjoy it almost like I'm reading for the first time). It's the journal (some parts historical and some fictional) of a woman in the late 1800s in the Arizona territories. It has happy moments, some very sad moments, and is a very real and sweat love story. It's amazing that even though times have changed so much since then, I connected very personally to many of her thoughts and observations about life and family. Anyway, I highly recommend it!
I put this on hold at the library, but there are a lot of people in line before me. It must be a good one. I'm excited to read it.
I finally got this book from the library, read it in a couple of days (couldn't put it down) and I would also VERY HIGHLY recommend this wonderful novel. It is just one of those reads you fall in love with. And Kati is right, Sarah and Jack are unforgettable. I want more....I will have to check out the sequels.
OK I finally read it and I LOVED it, but, boy this woman goes through a LOT!
I finally read this book and LOVED it, it is one of my favorites of this year. It is a very quick read, and one you will not forget.
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