Okay, I told my sister about these books and she wanted me to post about them. Sorry to be a blog hog, here, but hey, the more books the better. Anyway, these are not high brow literature by any stretch of the imagination, but the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich are good mindless escape literature. They are about a bounty hunter (yup, told you this wasn't high brow) in New Jersey, complete with big hair, blue eye shadow, the local neighborhood mobsters, and plenty of lycra. She gets into trouble, there are explosions, and moms making meatloaf, and crazy Italian neighbors, and a bit of suspense. They are entertaining. There isn't much more to them than that, but if you want a mindless, funny read, these will do the trick. Janet Evanovich is a good writer (unlike other low-brow authors I can think of...Nicholas Sparks comes to mind) There is some language and some racy bits, so they aren't for everyone. I did get tired of them after a while (basically every book follows about the same formula) and haven't finished the series yet, but plan to, next time I am in the mood for quick and easy reading. So, for light reading try these.
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