This is one of my all time favorite novels. I love it. It is the story of a somewhat eccentric family, who live in a dilapitated old castle. The characters are wonderful and so is the plot. It is also the tale of the heroines first experiences with love and life. It is wonderfully written, entertaining, and doesn't end with "happy ever after," but instead gives you something to think about.
Anna - I am excited about both of your recommendations! Now about that online library...
J/K :-)
I also loved this book!
I am really excited about this blog. I used to think I wasn't a reader, but I have been determined to change that. More recently I have been getting more and more successful with it. I look forward to reading much more than I ever have; it could be a result of no TV, gaps in my Netflix, and many nights home alone; nevertheless you all will help me to never be without a good book. I have even stalled finishing a great book, so I could feel the security of it still having pages waiting to be read.
I'm excited about this blog! I am always on the lookout for a good read.
Thanks to this recommendation, I have just read, and enjoyed this book. I always appreciate an author who is able to create believable "voices", which Dodie Smith has done. The narrator Cassandra is lovable with thoughts and concerns I could relate to. I'm excited for anyone who chooses to read this book.
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