Follow the story of Santiago, a shepherd's son, who fantasizes of grander adventures than his current situation warrants. Then one night he dreams that he must go to the Pyramids in Egypt to seek his fortune. Along the way he meets, a gypsy, a king, a thief, a merchant, a beautiful girl and finally the alchemist. Some mean to help, others to hinder him, but eventually Santiago must look inside to find truth in life.
It is an incredible journey, with set backs and hardship but also enlightenment and success. Written like a fable or parable, it is very inspirational and applicable to all. The book will not take long to read, but it is one that you will want to return to again, for further insights. The book was originally written in Portuguese, and has been translated into more than 50 languages.
I read this one and I found it enjoyable, but I would really have to read through it again to draw parallels and find deeper meaning.
I really enjoyed this book for the little "tidbits of wisdom" that I found. It was one of the few books I've read lately that I wanted my pencil with me to underline and write in the margins. It's a quick read, and not difficult, but it should give you some food for thought. If you liked this, try Paulo Coelho's "By the River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept".
I can't remember when I read this book....maybe ten years ago? I remember I loved it, and it would be one I would read again. I think part of it had to do with the fact that I was a young adult, and really connected to the whole idea of a journey and finding yourself.
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