If you are looking for a quick short read, I would recommend this story. It is not quite long enough to be be called a novel, but not quite short enough to be called a short story. Anyway it is about an orphan girl in the early 1900's that receives money, anonymously, from one of the orphanage's trustees to go to college. It is a collection of her letters to her sponsor about her college life and it is charming. It is a very quick read (two hours, tops) and you can read it for free online here. I first read this in junior high, remebered it last year and read it online once while my baby napped. I love it.
I recently listened to this book on CD. I loved it! My husband and daughter were with me, and they loved it too. It is well written, endearing, and rated G.
Anna, would it be appropriate for Eva?
AnneMarie, there is nothing non-G rated in it, but I'm not sure she would be into it quite yet....I would say more like 12 years old, although I may be wrong. Lucy could easily read it now, at 8, but I don't know if she would be that into it. I think for sure she will be in a couple of years.
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