I personally love the books of Alexander McCall Smith, so when I picked up this book I was pleasantly surprised by the gentle humorous style which reminds me so much of Smith's writing. This is a book about Mr. Malik, a widower, who has a crush on the widow Rose Mbikwa, the woman who leads the weekly bird walk in Nairobi. Anyway as the book progresses Mr. Malik finds himself involved in a competition with an old school mate (his old nemesis) Mr. Kahn, to see who can spot the most species of birds in Kenya within a week. The winner of the competition gets the privilege of asking Rose to the premier social event in Nairobi, the Hunt Club Ball. There are adventures along the way, and Mr. Malik remains a true gentleman throughout the competition. It was a fun glimpse into Nairobi, and the birds of Kenya. If you are a birdwatcher don't miss this book, but certainly even non-birdwatchers will also enjoy it. I really loved this wonderful, light, entertaining book.
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