This book was given to me by my dear friend years and years ago but I just barely got around to reading it. It was written in 1928 and is the classic story of Abbie and Will Deal - pioneers who left everything behind for a new life on American Frontier. This book reminded me a lot of These is My Words - but much shorter. It was a little cliche and somewhat over-sentimental and while I was reading it I wasn't sure I was going to post about it. However, after I finished the book I felt that I really did enjoy it and it was a touching story. There are not many books that evoke tears but I was definitely touched by the story of this woman. I appreciated her perpsective of having kids and watching them grow and become individuals and make their own choices. If you liked These is My Words - I think you will like this book. Good, good story.
Note: This image of the book cover is from an old edition. The newer edition has a more "romance novel" look to it and I didn't want to use it.
Emily I am glad you posted about this. I tried to get ahold of this book from my library a long time ago, but they didn't have it. Do you mind if I borrow yours?
I finished it and I enjoyed it. The thing that struck me the most in this book is how quickly life goes by. I feel that life is screeching by me, my kids are little, but not for long. Anyway, one thing I kept thinking as I read: enjoy every second!
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