This is the third novel written by Edward Rutherfurd that I have read. I also read Sarum and London. I will be the first to admit that these historically based sagas are not for everyone. These books are historical fiction and are very long (we're talking 800-900 pages!). Often, the book will begin in the early 1st or 2nd centuries and continue following family lines up through modern times. His characters are fictitious (and also very similar from book to book I am learning) but they are based against actual historic events and individuals. I really liked Sarum which is based in the geographical area around Salisbury and Stone Henge and I also enjoyed London. I enjoy a good book that keeps you hooked for a long time! The Princes of Ireland - which ends in 1500 AD (the sequel takes us into modern Ireland) - got a little tedious with some of the military and political events, but I still enjoyed it. If you like historical fiction and interesting tales of romance, mystery, betrayal and war then you would enjoy these books. Rutherfurd's writing is a little predictable and nothing out of the ordinary but I definitely plan on readying the sequel.