We just read this book for my book club. A perfect November choice. I think this is a must read. It is the historical account of the Pilgrims, their treacherous voyage on the Mayflower, and the Indians who helped them to survive (who they in turn destroyed). It is the story of Plymouth Colony. It was fascinating to find out the real story, as opposed to the blissful myth we are familiar with, and realize how basically through nothing but sheer luck the Pilgrims survived. It is also an eye opening account of the war we never learned about; King Phillip's War. I have to say I found myself favoring the Indians and wishing the Indians had just slaughtered the dang fanatical Pilgrim's when they first landed. But I suppose I should be grateful things worked out how they did, or else I wouldn't be here today. Anyway, an eye opening read. Well written and well researched.
I second this. I think it is one of more accessible history books I have read. While it is historically true, it is told like a story and a great read!
I'm not sure what kind of books you like to post, but I did a review for Frank Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars on my blog and though I could not help as being a contributor regularly, I can at least offer you that post, if you linked back to my blog. ;) Just a thought. Comment me back if you'd like... I really like your blog. I'm gonna' follow.
Thanks for the review Jennifer
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